Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Read To Me Cool Toddler and Baby Clothes

Good parents read to their kids - Plain and Simple. Studies show that the more words babies and young children hear the smarter and more verbose they will become as young adults. Certainly reading to your kid is not the only factor in raising a healthy, happy and brilliant kid but it might just be the first step.

There are so many great children's books out there so check your local library for books like
Dahlia, Library Lion, Owl Moon and I'll See You in the Morning.

We've been reading to our kids from the time they were in the womb. They adore books and like nothing more than laying in bed flipping through a dozen or so books.
No surprise, they speak well and can express themselves rather well for young people.

Their love of the written (and spoken) word made me think of these READ TO ME baby bibs, toddler shirts and gifts for those brilliant little sponges. The READ TO ME design is in a classy vintage typewriter style and looks great on both light and dark kids tees, sweatshirts and cool organic kids clothes.

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